sobota 9. května 2015

Konec a začátek

Za poslední dobu jsem zjistila, že je potřeba se profesně zas o kousek posunout a proto jsem se rozhodla opustit blogspot a zřídit si web a blog v jednom. A protože mi blogspot přirostl k srdci, rušit ho nebudu, ale tímto příspěvkem vás chci přeorientovat na kde je vše staré a velmi brzy přibude spousta nového.
Dear readers, I am leaving blogspot. That does not mean I am done with blogging... That just mean I am pleased to announce the launch of my brand new website. Take a look on and check out lot of new weddings from around the world in a new blog. 


čtvrtek 26. března 2015

Pre-wedding shooting in Italian Torino

Marco and Cristina and their pre-wedding session taken in July 2014 in a heart of Torino.
Do you remeber their wedding day? If not, take a look on their calm wedding in Agriturismo in Italy.


neděle 8. března 2015

Brazilians pre-wedding session in Prague

Wisma sent me an email in January and she had just one wish about the pre-wedding session: "I want to make this session showing the snow. We are from a place that never snows so it will be really special." Sadly for them, there was no sign of winter at all. The end of February was unexpectedly hot.

We chose Letná park as our first photo-stop. Then we slowly walked down to the Charles Bridge and then we grabbed a beer in the garden at Kampa in the end. So we turned winter afternoon into spring paradise so hopefully Wisma forgave Prague the sunny weather. :)

I am happy I´ve met you, and see you soon here or in Brazil!


čtvrtek 5. února 2015

Winter wonderland

My friend Eliška got married on January 31, 2015. It was my first wedding in 2015 and it was very unique. We've known each other for almost ten years and I knew her wedding will be different - with no white dress and no typical traditions. And what I thought become true. Everything was D.I.Y. except for the amazing wedding bouquet made by Květinové lahůdkářství and wedding cake by Tuleni.

We went to the mountains on Friday. The wedding venue was an old mountain house from middle of 19th century owned by our friend. The house has it's own soul and that comes with it's long history. There were many old things hanged on the walls so we did not have to change a thing. We used old branches as a decorations on the tables. Centerpieces were old jars found in the attic that we filled with black coal and a branch.

All the food was homemade and heated on the fire stove, which was also the only source of heating for the house. All weekend we had to take care of wood no matter what you were wearing. If there is no wood - you have to go out and bring / chop some! :)
I hope you enjoy this wedding with me because I really like brides who are open to step away from traditions. And of course I wish all the best to the newlyweds! :)

Svatba mojí kamarádky Elišky byla úžasná, originální, jiná a rodinná. V chaloupce v Liščí, malinké vesničce na Děčínsku, kde se zastavil čas v roce 1850 si na sněhu řekli své ano Eliška a Ondra 31. 1. 2015.
Vše až na květiny od úžasného květinového lahůdkářství a dortu od Tuleni bylo vyrobeno, posbíráno a po domácku uvařeno. Nevěsta se nalíčila, učesala sama. Svatební oběd se ohřál na ohni, na peci. A vše tak dostalo jiný rozměr. Tato svatba není nablýskaná, dokonce se tu ani netancovalo... ale přesto všechno to tam s Eliškou, Ondrou a jejich rodinou bylo moc fajn:-)

Eliška Fischerová
 +420 776 899 285

Květiny / Flowers: Květinové lahůdkářství
Dort / Wedding cake: Tuleni

Sharing is caring

Feel free to share whatever you like here, but always credit back to: Khiria - photographer

All content here is under a copyright law.

Your Eliška